Q and A

“Should I wait until after winter to have my windows cleaned”

We get asked all throughout the year “when is the best time to have the windows cleaned?” and the answer is an unsophisticated “when they’re dirty” That means if your windows are dirty now, now is the best time to clean them.

That being said, there are a few more reasons to get your windows cleaned during this time of year.

  1. Guests

    Many people are hosting family and friends for Christmas and new years and cleaning the windows is one thing we can take off of your to do list to help get your home ready for the company.

  2. Daylight

    There is less of it this time of year so having your windows cleaned helps maximize the light you do get.

  3. The Cold

    With the lower temps this time of year you’ll likely be spending more time inside than any other part of the year. This means you’ll spend the most time looking through your windows during the winter.

  4. Fun!

    As a customer recently said as she looked through her freshly cleaned windows “That’s gonna make my whole winter more fun!” There’s lot’s of beauty to enjoy through clean windows this time of year and we can help you love your view again.

If you’d like a free in person estimate, you can click on the link below.


Merry Christmas!


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